
Small Heath Hwy, Birmingham B10 0AE, United Kingdom

+44 7801 591471


Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00

Mon-Sat: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Appointment +44 7801 591471
Small Heath Hwy, Birmingham B10 0AE, United Kingdom

Our Services

Contact Us

Address Small Heath Hwy, Birmingham B10 0AE, United Kingdom
Contact Phone +44 7801 591471
E-mail Address officeone@youremail.com
Opening Hours Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat-Sun

Have a Question?


Leather Trim

Trimming leather isn’t particularly tricky, but doing it right is. Trims need to be perfect, because they seriously effect the ease of the steps that follow and result of leather project. Even a slight slip of ruler can mess with burnishing process and make stitching lines no longer straight.

Uk Car Detailing Services will provide you all the essentional information and guidance that will help you to know about the leather trimming.There are a lot of different tools that can be used in leather trimming and we will give you all necessary details about them.


Things you may know:

  • Information about right tools
  • How to use score 
  • Know how to work around tricky corners
  • Knife direction
  • Keep the knives sharp